Covid-19 Update
Nautica Grill & Wine is open in accordance by the rules set forth by the Ontario government.
Both indoor dining and seating on our heated, partially enclosed patio is currently open.
The Province of Ontario is requiring anyone over the age of 12 entering for indoor dining (seated at a table) to provide proof of vaccination according to the Provincial Health Guidelines. Customers purchasing takeout or dining/enjoying a beverage on our patio do not need to show proof of vaccination.

The health and safety of our guests and our staff is of the utmost importance to us and we ask that our guests respect the rules we have in place to ensure that everyone in our establishment remains safe.
While all indoor seating is currently closed our patio is open with social distancing measures are in place.
For everyone's safety the following rules will be in place:
✔️ Tables have been removed and spaced at 2 metres
✔️ Parties greater than 4 people will not be permitted
✔️ Stringent sanitizing schedules have been implemented for all common surfaces
✔️ Guests will be requested to use hand sanitizer upon entering
✔️ Staff have been trained and systems put in place to accommodate the expectations of this time and will follow all of the suggested guidelines provided by the local health authority
✔️ Guests are encouraged to use their own devices to view our menu or a single use recyclable one will be provided or our sanitized in-house menu is also available
✔️ No designated waiting area, guests will be asked to wait outside for their table
❌ You exhibit any flu-like symptoms
❌ Have travelled outside Canada within the last 14 days
❌ Are a close contact of a person who tested positive for Covid-19
Please bear with us as we navigate getting used to these new systems. We promise to treat you with respect and we expect the same from you.